Terms and conditions

1. Applicability and the General Conditions of Sale
1.1 Each order placed with A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. via Internet will be governed by these General Conditions of Sale. These apply to the exclusion of all other conditions. By placing an order, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted, without reservation, these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
1.2 By using this website, you accept and agree to be bound by our Terms of Use and Internet Privacy Policy. A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. invites you to carefully read the content of this policy before using the services provided on this website.
1.3 Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. reserves the right to amend these General Conditions of Sale, at any time, by publishing a new dated version on this website. By placing an order after A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. has published the latest version of its General Conditions of Sale, you agree to be bound by this updated version.
1.4. Some services available on this website are provided by other companies contracted for this purpose, in the name and on behalf of A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A., specifically for the transport of purchased goods.

2. Register
2.1 When registering on this website, you must ensure that the mandatory information provided is correct and complete.
2.2 We ask you to inform A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. of any changes of address or others, by updating your personal details on this website without delay.

3. Password
3.1 When you register to use this website, you will be asked to create a password. You must keep it confidential, not sharing it with others.
3.2 You are fully responsible for the use of your password as well as any orders placed with it, even without your knowledge.

4. Orders
4.1 By placing an order through this website, you make an offer to buy the products you have selected under these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
4.2 Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. offers its products on this website within the limits of its existing stocks. In case of stockout, A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. will contact you immediately.

5. Order Confirmations
5.1 The order you place on this website does not constitute a binding contract, unless and until A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. sends you the confirmation by e-mail.
5.2 The data recorded by A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. constitutes full proof of the order and the complete transaction. The data recorded by the payment system constitutes full proof of the financial transactions.

6. Prices
6.1 The prices paid for the items that you order are those displayed on this website at the date the order is placed, including IVA, but excluding shipping costs which will be indicated before finalizing your order.
6.2 Shipping costs will be charged according to the amounts ​​indicated on this website at the date you place your order, calculated according to the delivery method chosen.
6.3 Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. reserves the right to change its prices and shipping costs at any time.

7. Payment
7.1 The fixed prices include IVA at the legal rate in force.
7.2 Orders can be paid by ATM, bank transfer or cash (only in the case of orders being picked up at our facilities).
7.3. Your order will be shipped as soon as payment is confirmed.

8. Delivery
8.1 When placing your order you can choose from 3 delivery options:
8.2 Pick up at the facilities of A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A.: Once you received the notification that your order has been completed, you must come to our facilities, accompanied by your ID, to collect your order.
8.3 Chronopost Pick-me Points: After receiving the notification that your order is now available, you must go to your chosen delivery point, accompanied by your ID, to collect it within a maximum of 10 days.
8.4 At home: Your order will be delivered to the address you specified when you placed your order. If delivery is not possible, the order will be sent to the nearest Pick-me point. If this happens, you will be notified and must go to the defined delivery point, accompanied by your ID, to collect the order.
8.5 A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. makes every effort to guarantee deliveries within the following deadlines:
- Mainland Portugal – between 1 and 2 working days
- Madeira and Azores – between 3 and 5 working days
- Outside Portugal – between 10 and 30 working days

9. Returns/Exchanges
9.1 A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. accepts product exchanges and return within 14 days, under the following conditions:
You must inform us by email, letter, or telephone of your intention to return the product.
You must return the product, bearing the costs of returning it.
Items must be returned in their original, unopened packaging, without ever having been used.
Upon receipt of the return item, and upon verification of the previous, A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. will send the replacement product (in case of an exchange) or refund its value (in case of a return).

10. Guaranty
10.1 A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. moulds are guaranteed against any defects in workmanship or materials. Damage caused by misuse is not covered by this guaranty.

11. Contacts with A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A.
11.1 If you have any questions or complaints, you can contact A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. using the contact forms available here, by sending an email to, by calling 224156989 or by sending a letter to Rua Alto da Mina 551, Zona Industrial, 4440-103 Campo, Portugal.

A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A.
Last Update: 09/2018
© 2018 A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production S.A. All rights reserved

Privacy Policy

At A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA we follow the General Data Protection Regulation, and we thank you for the trust you place in us when it comes to collection and processing your personal data.

» What kind of data does A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA collect?
The A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA website includes a contact form and an online shop. We collect data such as the name, email address, telephone number, mobile phone number, address, town, postcode, country and tax number of users who wish to register on our site to request contact or to make purchases in the online shop.

» For what purposes does A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA collect personal data and what is the legal basis for processing this information?
The data collected is used to process enquiries, process orders, send communications and notifications.
Your data will only be used if one of the following conditions is met:
You have given your consent by signing or accepting a digital form;
The data is necessary for the fulfillment of a contract;
The data is necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations;

» Who has access to your personal data?
A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA does not disclose any personal data to others. We have already adopted measures to ensure that our employees who have access to personal data receive appropriate training to process it correctly, in compliance with this policy and legal data protection obligations.
Whenever A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA uses any subcontractor, it will safeguard compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable legislation in terms of data security and protection, namely by providing for contractual provisions guaranteeing that the subcontractor only uses the data received:
for the purposes specified;
in accordance with the purposes described in this policy;
using appropriate security means to protect personal data against unlawful or unauthorized processing and against accidental loss, destruction or other harmful actions.
Your data may also be shared with official entities to fulfill the legal and tax obligations to which A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA is subject during its business.

» Where is your data stored?
Your personal data is stored in the BackOffice of our website.

» Is your data safe with A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA?
A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA has taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to adequately protect your data from unauthorized access and processing.
Access to the back office of the website is duly protected and is reserved only for the employee designated at any given time to respond to your request for contact or follow up on your order.

» How can you exercise your rights under the GDPR?
In accordance with the law, users have the right to access, rectify, forget, and oppose the processing of their personal data, except in the cases provided for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

To exercise these rights, you must submit your request in writing to the

Last updated in August 2018

Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct

The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 109-E/2021, of 9 December, establishing a set of principles, rules and values in terms of ethics and professional behavior, which must be observed in the performance of the activities carried out by the entire Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA, in professional relations between itself and with third parties, with special consideration for the criminal rules relating to corruption and related offences and the risks of the organization’s exposure to these crimes.

This Code of Conduct applies to all of A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA employees. It also covers trainees, as well as any service providers or any other persons acting under its guidance or direction, who may bind and represent it.

It is considered a crime of active corruption when a person, directly or through others, for their own benefit or for the benefit of another person, makes an offer, promise or proposes a benefit of any kind, in exchange for a favor.
On the other hand, there is a crime of passive corruption when a person agrees to receive money or another benefit of any kind in order to perform or omit certain acts.

Any act of corruption is expressly forbidden, so that none of those covered by this regulation should grant or receive, directly or indirectly, any undue advantage, regardless of its nature or motive, with the aim of obtaining or maintaining favorable treatment.

The negotiation and execution of contracts with A Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA's clients must not result in conduct that could be considered corruption, influence peddling or favoritism.

Under no circumstances should those covered by this Code of Conduct make any illegal payment or grant any other form of advantage, directly or indirectly, to representatives of public or private clients.
When faced with requests for facilitation payments, they must refuse. If faced with such (illegal) requests, the potential corruptor can be discouraged by requiring that such a request be made in writing, on official letterhead of the entity they represent, duly signed.

The giving or receiving of gifts and/or invitations will only be permitted if they consist of a mere act of professional courtesy towards business partners and cannot raise doubts as to the honesty of the giver or the impartiality of the recipient, and if their value is symbolic.

Metalúrgica Bakeware Production SA has channels for reporting acts of corruption and related infractions, under the terms of the applicable legislation, which allow complaints to be submitted and followed up safely, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity or anonymity of the complainants. It is therefore possible to submit the complaint(s) by e-mail, (, suggestion box and/or face-to-face meeting.

Failure to comply with the rules set out in this Code of Conduct may be sanctioned under the terms and conditions laid down by law.

Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies to improve its service.

1. What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that a website places on your computer or mobile device through your browser when you visit it. Placing cookies will help the website recognize your device the next time you visit.

We use the term cookies in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way. Some cookies are essential to guarantee the functionalities provided, while others are intended to improve performance and user experience. You should not continue to access our website after the cookie alert if you do not agree to their use.

What type of cookies do we use?

2. Accept/refuse cookies
You can choose to accept or refuse the installation of cookies on your terminal at any moment by configuring your browser software.

2.1 If you accept cookies
The registration of a cookie on your terminal depends on your wishes. At any time, you can express and change your choice free of charge through the options provided by your browser software.
If in the browser software you use you have accepted the saving of cookies on your terminal, the cookies integrated into the pages and content you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a specific space on your terminal. There, they will only be readable by the sender of the cookies.

2.2 What is the point of accepting cookies?
When you visit, these cookies will record certain information that is stored on your terminal. This information is used to offer you products based on the items you have already selected during your previous visits, thus allows you to benefit from better browsing on our website.

3.2 If you refuse cookies
When you refuse cookies, we do however install a ‘refuse’ cookie. This cookie allows us to remember your choice so that we don’t have to ask you each time you visit whether you want to accept or decline cookies.

3.3 Configuring your browser
The configuration of cookie management depends on each browser and is found in your browser’s help menu.

In Internet Explorer
To customize the cookie settings for a web page
In Internet Explorer, click on the Tools button and then Internet Options.
Click on the Privacy tab and then WebSites.
In the Web site address box, enter the full address (URL) of the web page whose privacy settings you want to customize.
For example,
To authorize the registration of cookies from the specified web page on your computer, click Allow. To prohibit the registration of cookies from the
specified web page on your computer, click Block.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each web page you want to block or allow. When you’ve finished, click OK twice.

In Safari
Go to Preferences, click on the Privacy panel and then Manage Cookies.

In Chrome
Click on the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Select Settings.
Click Show advanced settings.
In the "Privacy" section, click the Content Settings button.
In the "Cookies" section you can modify the following settings:
Delete cookies
Block cookies by default
Allow cookies by default
Create exceptions for cookies from specific websites or domains.

In Firefox
Click on the Tools button and then on Options.
Click on the Privacy tab.
Under History, select "Use personalized settings for history.".
Tick the "accept cookies" box and click on exceptions to choose the websites that will or will not be allowed to install cookies on your terminal.

In Opera
Preferences > Advanced> Cookies
The cookie preferences allow you to control how Opera manages cookies. The default setting is to accept all cookies.
Accept cookies
- All cookies are accepted (default)
Accept cookies only from the site I visit
- Third-party cookies, from a domain outside the one you are visiting, will be refused
Never accept cookies
- All cookies will be refused

4. Legal Notice Update
A Metalurgica reserves the right to make any changes or corrections to this cookie notification. Please check this page regularly to review the information and check for any updates.

This notification was updated on 3 May 2018


In the event of a dispute, the consumer can turn to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) organization. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies are those authorized to mediate, conciliate and arbitrate consumer disputes in Portugal that are registered on the list of ADR bodies provided for in Law no. 144/2015.
Click on

Consumers can use the European online dispute resolution platform available at

Quality policy

A company is a living organism.
Every living organism feeds on healthy products.
The most wholesome food in industrial production is quality.
At A Metalúrgica, this naturally leads us to Efficiency.
Control of the work carried out.
Definition and awareness of each employee's responsibility.
Accountability on the part of management for ensuring that customer requirements are met and for continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Satisfaction of all A Metalúrgica employees, not excluding customers and suppliers.